CAUTION! The Nexus 900 is intended for skilled and advanced pilots only! Although designed to have great flight capabilities and handling, its size and speed are not for beginner or novice flyers.
Wingspan: 936 mm
Length: 444mm
Wing Surface: 5.07 sq dm
Wing Loading: 17.8 g/sq dm
Weight: 90g
3-channel control (pitcheron and rudder)
Radio Requirements:
3 Micro servos (4-6 gram size) Digital Servos recommended
1 Micro receivers
1 Receiver battery (4.8 volt) 150 to 300 mAh, Good recommend battery: Gens ace lipos

Parts Layout
1) Right wing 5) Fuselage Assembly
2) Left Wing 6) 2 Piano Wires and 1 Wing Axle
3) Vac-Formed Canopy 7) Rudder Pushrod Assembly
4) Hardware Parts Bag 8) Horizontal Stabilizer
Fuselage Assembly
- The fuselage is first prepared to receive the rudder control pushrod. Using the rudder hinge line for a reference point, cut a pushrod slot measuring 2×12mm at the centerline of the right fuselage side. The rear edge of the slot is located 15mm from the hinge line. A small Dremel style cutter wheel is recommended for this task. Cut carefully as the fuselage skin is very thin.

2. Cut a slot for the carbon fiber control horn. This slot is located 4mm up from the bottom of the rudder.

3. The rudder incorporates a live hinge. To achieve this, mark the hinge line location on the left surface of the rudder. Using a cutter wheel, carefully remove the gel-coat from the surface of the fiberglass material of the rudder. Do not cut into the fiberglass, this will cause the rudder hinge line to fail. Once the gel-coat has been removed from the hinge line, carefully flex the rudder left and right a few times to ensure flexibility of the hinge.

4. Glue the control horn in place on the rudder using 5 minute epoxy.

5. Install the rudder control pushrod tube through the slot created earlier. This is easily achieved if the pushrod wire is left in the tube. Once in place, remove the pushrod wire and glue into place using either 5 minute epoxy or gap-fill CA. After the epoxy or CA has cured, trim the pushrod tube flush with the fuselage surface.

6. Set the fuselage assembly aside for now.
Pitcheron Control Assembly
- Locate the fiberglass servo tray and the carbon fiber bell crank axle. Glue the axle to the end of the tray using gap-fill CA. Make sure to add a glue-fillet to both sides of the joint for additional strength.

2. Locate the 4 aluminum bell crank bushings and the 2 carbon fiber bell cranks. Slide the 2 longer bushings into place on the axle with the shoulders facing outward. Seat the bushings against the servo tray surface and glue into place with a very small amount of gap-fill CA.

3. Slide the bell cranks into place on the axle, paying attention of orientation.
4. Slide the shorter bushings into place on the axle, with the shoulders seated against the bell cranks. Check for freedom of movement then glue bushings into place using a very small amount of gap-fill CA.

5. Locate the 2 supplied lengths of piano wire. From these wires, make two 8mm pushrods with Z-bends on each end. Pay attention to the orientation of the Z-bends, they must be mirror, not duplicates.

6. Make two 38mm pushrods with Z-bends in each end, again mirror imaged on the Z-bend orientation. Due to variations of servo designs, it is recommended the length of these longer pushrods should be determined for your giver servo selection. To achieve this, temporarily install a servo (with servo arm attached) in the tray with the output shaft facing toward the bell cranks and measure the distance from the servo arm to the bell crank hole.
7. Install the 8mm pushrods into the aft arms of the bell cranks and the carbon fiber pitch control plate.

8. Install the pitch control servos within the servo plate; the output shafts are oriented toward the bell cranks.
9. Install the 38mm pushrods in the upper bell crank arms. Slide a servo arm onto each pushrod then install the servo arms onto the pitch control servos.

10. Install the rudder control servo in the servo tray with the output shaft oriented toward the bell cranks. This servo is inserted into the tray from the underside of the plate. The servo arm should be installed oriented to the left side of the servo tray (the bell cranks are considered the aft end of the assembly).
11. Attach the rudder pushrod to the rudder servo arm. Insert the rudder pushrod into the pushrod tube, and then slide the pitch control assembly into position within the fuselage. Make sure the pitch control plate is installed correctly within the curved slots in the fuselage sides. Special note! The pitch control assembly nests within the fuselage cavity. Some of the fuselage material will need to be removed from the cockpit saddle to achieve this. A rotary cut-off wheel works best for this.

12. Position the assembly far enough aft to allow for vertical alignment of the 8mm pushrods attached to the pitch control plate. The pitch control plate should be aligned within the center of the curve slots.
13. Once satisfied with the position of the assembly, glue into place using a small amount of 5 minute epoxy or gap-fill CA.
14. Place a 2×10x5mm piece of balsa (not included) beneath the rudder pushrod tube and glue into place. Glue the pushrod tube to the balsa piece. This raises the pushrod tube from the floor of the fuselage and aligns it better with the rudder servo, preventing binding of the pushrod during operation.

15. Attach the rudder pushrod to the rudder control horn. A separate Z-bend wire is recommended to achieve this. This wire should be 10-15 mm in length after the Z-bend is made. Attach this smaller wire to the pushrod using a section of shrink tube. Once the tubing is shrunk, wick a small amount of thin CA at the joint to lock into place. Special note! Make sure the rudder servo and the rudder are centered prior to adding thin CA into the shrink tube joint.

Horizontal Stabilizer Installation
- Locate the carbon fiber bracing plate. Using it as a template, drill 2 pilot holes into the top of the vertical stabilizer.
- Locate the center line of the horizontal stabilizer, using the bracing plate as a template again, and drill 2 pilot holes.
- Attach the horizontal stabilizer to the top of the vertical stabilizer with the supplied screws. Run the screws through the bracing plate, then the horizontal stabilizer.

Wing Installation
- Using gap-fill CA or 5 minute epoxy, glue the pitch control pins into the leading edge of the wings.

2. From the remaining length of piano wire, bend 2 small wire hooks. These hooks are anchors for the rubber band which holds the wings to the fuselage.

3. At the root of each wing, measure 8 mm from the axle hole and drill a pilot hole centered between the top and bottom surfaces of the wing. This pilot hole is located between the axle hole and wing leading edge.

4. Using the supplied screws, attach the hooks to the wing root.

5. Locate and install the wing pivot axle into the fuselage. Insert the axle through one side of the fuselage at an angle so one end exits near the pitch control assembly. Slip the carbon fiber axle tube onto the axle, and then partially remove the axle assembly enough until it can properly exit the opposite side of the fuselage. Carefully remove the axle, leaving the tube in place within the fuselage. Glue this tube into place using a small amount of gap-fill CA.

6. Once the glue has cured, reinstall the pivot axle into the fuselage. DO NOT GLUE THE AXLE.

7. Attach the supplied rubber band to one of the wing hooks and feed it through the hole in front of the axle, exiting out the opposite hole of the fuselage. Slide the wing onto the pivot axle and seat against the fuselage. Make sure the wing pitch control pin is nested in the slot located at the end of the pitch control plate.

8. Repeat the previous step for the other wing. Make sure the rubber band has enough tension to keep the wings in position against the fuselage.
Canopy Installation
- Trim the excess material from the clear canopy and test fit into position on the fuselage. Make additional adjustments to the canopy as needed to fit into position on the fuselage. The canopy may be held in place using clear tape along the lower sides.

Control Set Up
For the pitcheron control to work, you will need to use a radio with delta wing mixing, V-tail mixing or elevon mixing function.
To ensure proper programming of your radio, view the flight control surfaces from the aft end of the Nexus 900. For right aileron control, the trailing end of the right wing will be up when the aileron control stick is moved right. The left wing trailing edge will move up when the stick is moved to the left. For elevator function, when the stick is moved back (for “up” elevator) both wing trailing edges will move down. When the stick is move forward, the wing trailing edges will move up. Pitcheron control changes the attack incidence of the leading edge of the wings. Angling the wing leading edge up forces the nose up. Angling the leading edge down forces the nose to pitch down. These actions eliminate the need for a standard elevator control surface.
Control throws are as follows:
Elevator-5mm up/down (wing trailing edge)
Aileron-3mm up/down (wing trailing edge)
Rudder-9mm left/right (rudder trailing edge)
Exponential settings are not recommended for this model.
Please visit Gens ace website for addition selections and availability of products. Thank you for your purchase and Happy Flying!!